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           We, the Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz are a community of women
who want to create a circle of love and commitment that would be able to help heal and    transform our lives, the life of other human beings and the future welfare of our earth in the style of Jesus.
           We feel called to be a sign of the tenderness and mercy of God, specially for the weak in our world.


              We, Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz, are citizens of this world, a community of women working on five continents.


              We believe in a personal and collective experience of the God of Life, who is calling us to be COMMUNAL WITNESSES of GOD'S MERCY and COMPASSION to all humanity.

We believe that the Spirit of God has been poured out over all reality, which is called to be saved and liberated, and that we are able to collaborate in this process.

We believe in our LIBERATING MISSION of sharing this joyful and encouraging experience of God with all women and men, in relationships of equality, simplicity and kindness, so that in all we do, we will be a living proclamation of the God of Jesus.

We perceive that God, the Spirit, urges us, sustains our faith, our hope, and our commitments. And today, once more, as God did with M. Margarita, God encourages us to DREAM.

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